Natural Healing

Promoting health through complementary practices

My personal healings

My qigong healing story:

 Before I began qigong I had various health problems:

  • Severe pollen allergies. I lived on antihistamines, decongestants, nasal sprays, and inhalers. 
  • Post menopausal physical changes which were uncomfortable, such as bladder spasms.
  • Arthritis in my hands which caused almost constant ache in my knuckles.
  • Back aches and stiffness from multiple back injuries.
  • Migraines.
  • Frequent colds, sinus infections, bronchitis, pneumonia.  Especially bad in winter.  Every January I was ill.

Since starting qigong:

  • Pollen allergies almost completely gone.  No need for medications.
  • Bladder spasms and other post menopausal symptoms mostly gone and no medications are needed.
  • Ache in hands completely gone.
  • Back is much more flexible and the frequency of back aches greatly reduced.
  • Almost never have a migraine.
  • Infrequent colds, sinus infections, bronchitis.


A few years ago I had an injury which resulted in damage to both inner ears (balance) and intractable vertigo.  I was dizzy and nauseated all the time.  The injury resulted in the need for two inner ear surgeries.  During post-op rehab with a vestibular therapist, I was told that my balance was so good that it compensated for the poor inner ear function.  The therapist said she believed that if I did not practice qigong I would have been using a walker to get around.

Two years ago I developed blocked sweat glands on the bottom of both feet, complicated by the loss of the fat pads.  It hurt to walk, even with padding in my shoes.  The podiatrist said that there was no cure and I would have this problem for the rest of my life.  I started a new qigong practice which cured the sweat glands and so far has partially restored the fat pads.  There is no more pain on walking and I'm anticipating more recovery in the future.

During the injuries I received a few years ago, vertebrae in my neck were dislocated which caused almost constant severe headaches and numbness in hands and feet.  The neurosurgeon told me there was nothing he could do and I should learn to live with it.  Through qigong I've been able to heal my neck enough that there is feeling now in hands and feet and the severe headaches are infrequent. I anticipate continued healing in the future.

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I'm very grateful that I discovered qigong.  Without it I believe I would be unable to function normally with activities of daily living because of the health problems.  Healing is not accomplished without effort - I've spent many, many hours working on my healing.  I've been written off by several doctors, so to feel as good as I do now is incredible.  This is why I teach - to share this wonderful healing practice with others.

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