Natural Healing

Promoting health through complementary practices

Energy Therapy for Animals FAQs

"Bridging holistic animal healthcare with traditional veterinary medicine"


What is Healing Touch for Animals (HTA)?

  • HTA is a type of energy therapy for animals.
  • Used in conjunction with traditional veterinary care.
  • A holistic approach to health care for your animal.
  • Can be used on any animal.

How is it done?

  • Practitioner may place hands on the animal, or may stand back and direct energy to the animal depending on the situation.
  • HTA can also be done long distance, without the animal in the presence of the practitioner.

Physiological Response of HTA

  • HTA relaxes the mind, leading to
  • Relaxation of the body, leading to
  • Better blood flow throughout the body, leading to
  • Better cell functioning, such as increase of nutrients delivered to the cells and improved removal of toxins.  Oxygen levels in the cells increase.
  • Enzyme and hormone levels begin to normalize.
  • Cell healing is promoted.

What kinds of conditions can HTA be used for?  HTA can be used for the following situations, but not limited to these specific situations.

  • Injury and illness
  • Behavioral issues
  • Stress-related issues
  • Physical and emotional trauma
  • Cancer support
  • Surgery and recovery
  • Competition events
  • Palliative care
  • Euthanasia



I don't live in the Louisville area.  Can you help my animal?

My dog is aggressive.  He would not let you touch him.  Could he still get HTA?

Yes.  HTA is very effective if done as distance healing because I am working with the animal's energy system and don't actually need to touch the animal.  Also, if you have an animal who will not allow a stranger to touch them, I can stand outside a cage or fence and direct energy to the animal.  For example, rescue groups with wild animals could benefit from the use of directed energy.  Aggressive or fearful animals can also be handled this way.



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